Super Sentences for 4H at Russell Scott Primary

Last night I visited 4H’s blog at  Russell Scott Primary School and read their fantastic 3 -ed sentences. 5SK would like to try to create some examples of their own.

Scared, paralysed, terrified, as the shadows circled hungrily under the sinking boat.

Mortified, shocked, petrified, as he struggles to land the death defying stunt in front of the gasping crowd.

Gasped, shuddered, tensed, as the lion circled us like hyenas circling their prey.

Thank you for showing us a strategy to improve our writing. We can add this to our knowledge of tightening tension.


One thought on “Super Sentences for 4H at Russell Scott Primary

  1. Miss Higgins says:

    Dear Mrs Scharf and 5SK,

    Wow, what wonderful writing! We are so pleased to see that we have helped to inspire you. I cannot wait to show my class your work tomorrow. We have just started blogging this September. 4H are really enjoying it and learning so much from schools and classes like you.

    Kind regards,
    Miss Higgins & 4H

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