Prediction Activity 3 – Dancing Children

Stop the video at 10seconds.

* From what you have seen, what do you predict about these dancers?
* Think about your background knowledge (schema). Can you connect this video to anything you have seen on television, in a movie or in a book?
* My schema tells me that these two children will _________________________.
* From my experience of seeing children dance, I think they will _____________________________.


* After watching this video, I have now added ____________________ to my schema.
* I now know that ________________________________________.
* I was amazed by their ______________________________________________.

CAFE Reading

The students reading targets correlate with the reading program (CAFÉ) that we implement in our classroom. CAFÉ is an acronym for the four major components of reading. They are:

C for Comprehension

A for Accuracy

F for Fluency

E for Expanding Vocabulary




The students have been learning reading strategies within each category. These strategies will help students to understand themselves better as readers and writers.

Good fit book – I Pick
I – I pick a book

P – I have a purpose

I – I am interested in the topic

C – I comprehend what I have read

K – I know the words










Each student has a numbered basket in our reading corner. Every two weeks we hold a market day where students are able to choose their own ‘Good fit books’. They are required to work through the letters of ‘I Pick’ to determine if their choices are suitable. These books are then put into their baskets to be used during silent reading time.

Reading Strategy – Predicting

Pause the video at 45seconds

What do you predict is going to happen next?
The images make me think that _______________.
The background music makes it seem like ______________.

I changed my first prediction when I ___________________.
My prediction was confirmed because _______________.


Here are some questions from Sheena Cameron ( that you can use before and after watching this clip.
– I think Willie Jones will sing ________________ because ____________________.
– His style of clothing makes me think that he will sing _________________________.
– From other singers I have seen, he reminds me of ___________________ who would sing _____________.
– The song played as he walks on stage makes me think that _______________________.

– I assumed ____________ but _____________________.
– I changed my first predictions after hearing the first few bars of music because _______________

– How much did you rely on your schema? (background knowledge)

– What background knowledge did you have before watching this clip?