Teachers – ICT Challenges for Classes

I began my blogging journey last year and have enjoyed every minute of it. My teaching partner and I began our class blog with nervous excitement. We could see the great benefits a class blog would give us as both a way of showcasing student work and communicating with parents and the wider community. Catherine and I had very limited internet knowledge but we used Edublog’s Help button often or Googled. Yes we Googled! This is a running joke with our students as we Google often. We were pioneers in our school and we were learning fast.

Our next step was to join the Twitter world. I wish that I had known about Twitter sooner! Our school is 13 hours from the nearest capital city so our access to Professional Development is quite difficult. Twitter has opened a whole new world and introduced us to many inspiring professionals who strive for greatness and happily share with fellow teachers around the world. If you are new to Twitter, here are a few educators to follow:

@DeputyMitchell, @techgirljenny, @tasteach, @MsVictoriaOlson, @pernilleripp, @suewaters, @benjamingilpin, @jbeardenclass, @mr_avery, @ICTmagic, @kellyjordan82, @kathleen_morris, @boydon1967, @StephenConnor7, @timqsis, @A_Webb_7, @misskyritsis, @Allanahk, @TeachingSteph, @avivaloca, @coolcatteacher

This is also where we learned about the fantastic challenges that our students could participate in. These challenges promote both literacy and ICT skills and are very engaging.

Edublogs Challenge

This challenge is run twice a year and focuses on building blogging skills. I highly recommend this challenge if you are new to blogging with your class. It places strong emphasis on internet safety which is so important.



Quadblogging Challenge

Quadblogging groups 4 classes together from around the world. The format has been slightly changed this year and you can sign up at any time. One class is the focus per week and the other classes visit and comment on posts. We have built amazing networks through this challenge and students have developed their skills in writing quality comments which is so important.



100 Word Challenge

I am very excited to start this challenge in Term 2. Each week students are given a prompt and post their finished piece on their blog with a link back to the main site. Students from other class blogs then visit and comment. There is also a section where some of the pieces from all around the world are showcased each week to highlight great writing.


The Global Read Aloud

This challenge doesn’t start until October but I have already ordered the books and will be counting down the days. Teachers choose one book to read aloud to their class over a six week period and make global connections with other classes based around the book. I have chosen ‘One For The Murphys’ to read but I also purchased the other books to add to my classroom library.



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