Edublogs Challenge 2014 – About Me

Edublogs Challenge 2014

5S are participating in the global Edublogs Challenge over the next few months. Each week a new task is given for students to complete that promotes internet skills and safety. This is the second time that I have participated in this challenge and the first for my current class.


Challenge 1 requires students to introduce themselves. Students in 5S have been creating Popplets  to describe their families, where they live and interests.












Our Lab Session Tomorrow

In Lab on Thursday we will be entering our first comments to one of our Quadblogging team, year 5 at St. Joseph’s School in the United Kingdom. It is very exciting to start our Quadblogging journey and learn about students all over the world.

If time allows, students will also create their first Tellagami to share on their KidBlogs. Kayah has created her own Tellagami and posted it on her blog as a greeting for our linked classes. Please visit and leave a comment.

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