Edublogs Challenge, Week 7 – Connections



Activity 1. Survey or poll the teachers at your school  to find out how they are connected. Did they know about Connected Educator Month? How do they connect with other teachers in their state? How do they connect overseas? How do they connect with family? What do they use to connect? Write a post about your results telling us some statistics about connectedness at your school.

Activity 2. Create a mindmap showing how you connect as a student. Include the tools you use to connect as well as who you connect to. Think carefully about all the ways you connect to different members of your family.


Homework  Week 5– Create your own mindmap to share with the class, that shows how you are connected as a student. What tools do you use to connect with others?

If you can, enter information on your kidblog. How could you include a diagram? Possibly draw and take a photo, use Explain Everything App, make a PowerPoint/Keynote or use Word/Pages.

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