Edublogs Awards 2013 – Class Blog

The Edublog Awards started in 2004 in response to community concerns relating to how schools, districts and educational institutions were blocking access of learner and teacher blog sites for educational purposes.  The purpose of the Edublog awards is promote and demonstrate the educational values of these social media.


Here are the categories in full – nominations are open from now through Sunday, December 1st

  • Awards_170px_02Best individual blog
  • Best group blog
  • Best new blog
  • Best class blog
  • Best student blog
  • Best ed tech / resource sharing blog
  • Best teacher blog
  • Best library / librarian blog
  • Best administrator blog
  • Most influential blog post of the year
  • Best individual tweeter
  • Best twitter hashtag
  • Best free web tool
  • Best educational use of audio / video / visual / podcast
  • Best educational wiki
  • Best open PD / unconference / webinar series
  • Best educational use of a social network
  • Best mobile app
  • Lifetime achievement

How To Nominate

  1. Write a post with your nominations on your blog, link to them and link to this site
  2. Use this form here to send us a link to your nominations

Nomination tips:

  1.  Nominate in as many categories as you want!
  2. You can’t nominate yourself ;)
  3. Nominations must be made somewhere public – your blog, a forum on a ning, a school website, etc.
  4. Even if you see your favorite has already been nominated, it is best to nominate them again
  5. Categories are competitive, and only the most nominated will make it to the voting round
  6. Share your nominations using twitter (#eddies13), facebook, Google+ and email



20 Something Kids and 1 Kooky Teacher

I began the blogging and twitter journey not only to promote 5SK’s learning but also to find other teachers with similar interests and to keep up to date with advancements in education. I have followed one class blog in particular all year and its author continues to inspire and motivate me daily. Jennifer Bearden at is amazing!

Jennifer’s blog showcases her wonderful writing skills and promotes student centred learning. I loved her letter to the students to introduce herself and her expectations of them and our students have watched the two greeting videos MANY times. The school district looks like an amazing place to work.

I OFTEN talk to my teaching partner (we share a class) about the programs run in Jennifer’s class. “Jennifer wrote today” often comes out of my mouth. 🙂 I have made a list of programs to run in 2014 and can’t wait to start. If you have a chance, look at the reading challenge. We have found this year that students often choose one type of reader and this is not beneficial to expanding their overall schema. Jennifer’s idea of 40 books in a variety of genres is fantastic.

You are an inspiration Jennifer Bearden!

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